Current Progress on Project DOLI as of APR. 24.2015

I am glad to say that the film’s finished layout assets have been compiled into an assembly animatic. I was able to have a look at how the shots would cut together. It looks great and consistent compared to the state I was in 5 weeks ago! I’m so happy to have a great team to work with. I found new recruits for the positions I needed to fill badly at the SCAD Collab-A-Fair 2 weeks ago, as well. My staging/ storyboarding has been green-lit and all that has to be done now is to work until I complete the film! I am finally back on schedule (if not, ahead). The biggest challenge now is to nail the acting and fluid animation. Just thinking about how much movement and compositing that needs to be done is overwhelming, but I’m sure my team and I will get through this dilemma! I have also posted some new style frames from the film as well! Some aspects are most likely to change in the final render. I hope you are excited because I know I am!
